Saturday, August 20, 2005


How would you pronounce 'JHANKAR BEATS'?U will say what a stupid question..Ok now how would u pronounce 'GHATOTHKACH'?Again a very very very stupid question...Now one more last thing to do, just interchange 'G' and 'J'.What did u observe? The words become 'GHANKAR BEATS' and 'JHATOTHKACH',right?Now say these new interchanged words loudly and u will definitely get the difference,infact ,the same,when Mr.PyareMohan (Chupke-Chupke) had asked this question to his jijaji "If 'GO' is 'GO',then why 'TO' is '2'?"!!!
Now got it what I wanted to say?
To be more precise,I am talking about a syndrome called "SPELLOSYNDROME".
This 'SPELLOSYNDROME',an idiosyncrasy,affected one of my FRIEND so badly,in the sense, that she even didn't get the very idea,when this syndrome had attacked her cranium(basically this affects ur brain)!
Now u people will ask,what this syndrome actually do?
What happens, this syndrome first grabs ur brain and then it makes u feel so natural while u r writing that it becomes impossible to distinguish the RIGHT and the WRONG!!!
For example "mughe samagh mein nahi aaya"( I didn't get it).Here ,grammatically the sentence is correct but just check out the spelling of 'mughe' and 'samagh'.It should be 'J' instead of 'G',right?
Right,this become a habit and habit is habit!!!


I am giving a list of alphabets which are prone to this syndrome,they are 'G','J','C','K' and 'H'(this is my observation!!)
No matter how good u r in spelling,u'll definitely do the mistakes with one of these alphabets (now it depends on person to person).
This is the only symptom...


Consult your FRIENDS whenever u do these kinda mistakes.I am sure you all must have some very caring F.R.I.E.N.D.S who will tell you what is WRONG and what is RIGHT!!!
Doctors are seriously putting their efforts but till now they haven't got any success...
Don't worry,this is curable and it won't affect u badly.Just be careful while u r writing and that's it...
So cheers and be happy...

Last but not the least,do thank your FRIEND in a very special MANNER!!!!

Friday, August 12, 2005

U just can't live without them...

We inherit our relatives by birth;friends ,we earn by choice.May be the very reason a handful of friends count much more than a cent relatives.
A feeling of love,moments of caring,stupid fights,shoulders to cry,to be together in pain,an ear to listen,a voice to comfort,a bond to cherish,a shoulder for support.A relation that knows no boundaries,one that supersedes all dissimilarities.That's what FRIENDSHIP is all about.
Today,as we look back upon this wonderful relationship,glimpses of many a memorable moments fly by our eyes.Times we were flat broke,and our pals came to our rescue,bunked classes just to watch stupid movies, going to theater just after the first paper of the end sem,accepted calls in the middle of the night,a big party for a very small achievement and many more...
Well, right now I still hv two more years to enjoy all this before leaving my college but ya the memories will always be there to cherish.As the famous quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson goes:"It is one of the blessings of old friends that u can afford to be stupid with them."
Such is the value of true friends that somebody once remarked,"Love is rarer than genius itself.And friendship, rarer than love."