Friday, May 01, 2009

Vignettes at its best.! :-)

The dancing damoiselle!

Let us bring peace and prosperity on our mother Earth.

I can see a ray of hope.

Hey all!
Time to show some of my latest sketches. My personal favorite is the last one.
Would appreciate the comments and suggestions.


SID said...

AWESOME...tht's the only word i cud think of wen i saw ur sketches

.:Sumit Shah:. said...

I say 12/10 for your artistic skills.
you are awesome. I liked the first one though.

rach said...
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rach said...

Yet again you took my breath away!!!!Gosh, this is nothing less than a masterpiece. There is so much ur sketches depict. The dancing damoiselle signifies the free spirits, while the glitter in the eyes depicts faith.
I love your work gal. Keep the good work flowing

ranu said...

I loved all of them!
they are just too good yaar
awesome! lovely! fantastic! beautiful!
keep it up :)

Meetali said...

The sketches are too good sneha..
I liked the last one most..
wht r u doing in IT dear [:P]
you shud do some designing stuff..
seriously think about it

Sneha said...

Refer: SID, Sumit, Rach, Ranu

Thanks a lot. You people have encouraged me to make more such sketches.

Refer: Meetali

Hey dear! Thanks a ton. Yep, I should think about the designing stuff and kind of setting up my mind for that. :-)

MotleyPerkyVibes said...

Hey awesome sketches... just 2 good... i dont have words... :)u r a born artist :)

Sneha said...

Refer: Pooja

Hey dear..Thanks a lot.!

Indranil said...

Amazing amazing!

Beautiful Mind ! said...

Awesome.. no word else the this...:) I think u can suggest me how can i improve my sketches its in my blog see them and help me to improve..:))

Biju nilamel said...
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Biju nilamel said...

Aesthetically pleasing!!!..Is the last PIc Sketched?..Well tose glitter'n eyeS,hw could one execute with so much care and minute detailing?..

Sneha said...

Ref: Biju

Thanks Biju and about the last sketch. Yes, I made that sketch and it is one of my all time favourite.
Well, the glitter in that eye is the result of the efforts that I had put in to get that effect.